Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hello out there!!!! I tried blogging last year, but life sort of got in the way.  That should be a good thing, right? Afterall, here is where I'll be sharing about life.  Trust me, I didn't need some things to occur in order to have thoughts about life and the ways of the world. I've always been a thinker.  Sometimes over-thinking has gotten me in trouble or caused issues that were...well, thought up. Ahh, the mind...it is a wonderful thing, but for some in can be a prison, or some place of pain and turmoil.

How many of us have been up late at night because we couldn't shut our brains down? How many of us have stressed so much over something, also late at night, and deprived ourselves of sleep? That stress was worrying, the worrying was thinking...even over-thinking and toiling over situations that weren't even there (sometimes) and conjuring up possible results over and over again.  We know how we do.  The "if this then that" things we do.  Like a pancake, if we flip it too much and pat it down, it can become dry and just basically ruined.  Life's situations are like that.  How many of us get in our own way?

Then there are those situations that are heaped upon us by others. I'm sure we can name any kind of relationship from those with spouses, other family members, to co-workers and others inbetween where someone did something, caused pain, deceived, etc and we thought about that; stressed over it even.  Surely relationships are one of those things where it is necessary to interact with others. Otherwise, silly, it wouldn't be called a relationship.  It takes more than one person. Each is responsible for his/her own actions.... Flip!  While I admit my thoughts have gotten the better of me a time or two...or 5, but I am meeting you at a time where I have been not only flipped, but patted, by life (the actions of others). I feel a bit of a shell of myself and I'm trying to make sense of it all while working through it and on it... We'll talk more.

Til next thoughts! Peace and blessings.